Spring is here – with some exciting challenges

Roland Jonsson

One of the more exciting and challenging adventure this spring has now started, namely the process of creating competitive applications to the NRC FRIMEDBIO program. Some have even called it “The most beautiful adventure”. Inspired by the great success in 2014, with a success rate of approximately ¼ of our submitted applications (a total of 5 projects among our research groups at K2), more should take up this thread. This week we started up with information meetings, together with our research coordinator, and some had even responded with submitted sketches. There is now a plan to follow this up, towards the deadline for final submission the 27th of May at 13.00 hours. Also see the K2-News from week 9 for more details. What makes it even more tempting to apply this year, is that it now comes a joint effort “fellesløft” which provides support via UiB for those who achieve high grades, but not getting grant support from RCN.
Isn’t this tempting?

I will also remind you that those who will go for a new SFF-round, should contact the Institute management for planning/dialog. There is an internal process at MOF with deadline April 1 with a 3-page sketch, CV of leader etc.

Another exciting, yet challenging process for the department since it ties up costs in the long run, is the coming announcement of the recruitment program to Bergen Research Foundation. The deadline is the10th of April for prequalification. Please contact the Institute management regarding your plans.

But the most impending announcement is for the Foundation KG Jebsen
Here The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and Haukeland University Hospital jointly invite to a prequalification of a 2-pages outline and resume for the centre conductor with a deadline of March 13. Please inform the department management regarding your plans.

Hope some of this tempts you!









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