Daily Archives: Friday September 20th, 2019

Time for registration of side line jobs

I write this editorial onboard my flight to Vienna. There we have Allgemeine Krankenhaus, the hospital where Ignaz Semmelweis demonstrated the connection between doctors and midwives’ lack of hand hygiene and the prevalence of puerperal fever. Our class at medical school visited the hospital and were able to follow an excellent round from an undoubtedly important professor with a looooong tail of people behind….. Good memories! Maybe I will have time to stop by again, although my mission is now to focus on genetics and not the environment by giving a lecture on monogenic diabetes at the annual meeting of the European Study Group for Pediatric Endocrinology.

These types of congresses provide important academic replenishment. The funding of travel and accommodation changed drastically many years ago to maintain clearer lines between university and health care professionals and for-profit businesses, which I think was right in terms of potential competition as well as individual loyalty. That brings me to side line jobs, and our duty to update them twice a year.

By side line jobs is meant job placement, job acquisition, assignments and assignments that an employee at UiB has outside his / her position at UiB, regardless of whether the work or job is paid or not. Work carried out for an enterprise or company wholly or partly owned by the employee is also regarded as a side line job.

The principles for side line jobs can be found in UiB’s Regelsamling (Norwegian only) and apply to all UiB employees, irrespective of the category of job and the number of positions. They must protect our reputation and the trust and integrity of the employees. There should be openness about side line jobs that may have an impact on the work of the university. Everyone must report on their own side assignment on their own initiative.

The following need not be registered: Membership in external review committees, referee for professional journals, assignments as external examiner, professional assignments that accompany main position or individual minor assignments in teaching or dissemination at other institutions, or unpaid appointments of limited scope for non-profit institutions.

The following must be reported: Side line jobs that may be in competition with the University’s activities, are of a long or extensive nature, and may cast doubt on the employee’s loyalty, willingness or ability to carry out his work at the University in the manner indicated by the position and the University’s purpose, and persistently use of the university’s resources and infrastructure.

Applications for side line jobs are evaluated according to the University’s principles for side line jobs, see above. Both registration of page tasks that require approval, and those that are only to be registered, are done in Pagaweb. Information about the side line jobs is stored there and will be made publicly available.

The Department Head approves or rejects applications. Rejection of an application can be appealed to the Faculty Board or the University Director. Violation of the principles of side-tasks can lead to personnel consequences under the Civil Service Act and other reactions under the rules of default in the civil service.

This may seem negative? No, side assignments are positive as long as it does not hamper or slow down our regular work, can damage the university’s reputation, or mix its own and the university’s resources.

Have a great weekend!

Progress report NFR – deadline October 1st or 31st

If you have an ongoing project at NFR, you may have been notified to submit Progress report via “My RCN web”. The report layout concerns academic progress.  We would also recommend that you request a report from your financial controller about unused funds for 2019. Last year, the NFR came last week in November, reminding us that unused project funds for the calendar year must be applied transferred to the following year. If you have large residual funds for 2019 (can be clarified with the financial controller), we recommend that you submit an application for a project change as soon as possible.


(Norwegian) Kjenner du studenter som kan søke Aker Scholarship?

UiBs studenter har mange muligheter foran seg, blant annet fins det noen særlig ettertraktede stipendordninger for masterstudenter og ph.d.-kandidater.

Jeg var nylig i møte med Aker Scholarship som nettopp er en slik gunstig stipendordning og døråpner til noen av verdens beste universiteter. Gjennom deres stipender slipper norske studenter å pådra seg studielån ved utenlandsopphold, og samtidig kan de avlegge grader ved universiteter som Oxford, Harvard og MIT.

Vi har mange studenter som kvalifiserer til et slikt stipend, likevel har det ikke vært mange fra UiB som søker. Jeg skulle ønske enda flere av våre dyktige studenter tok sjansen og søkte på en så spennende mulighet. Derfor sender jeg nå en vennlig påminnelse om at fristen for å søke stipendet går ut 28. september.

Flere av dere har nok hørt om Aker Scholarship allerede, men det er ikke alltid informasjon om slike ordninger når helt ut til de relevante studentene.

Studenter fra alle fag kan søke stipendet, men ofte kan det være fint med en oppfordring og litt bistand i søknadsprosessen. For eksempel vil dere kunne hjelpe med å se over søknadstekster og gi studentene gode referanser, ettersom det ikke bare er karakterer som gjelder.

Dette er en super mulighet for alle våre dyktige studenter.
Nettsiden med all informasjon om Aker Scholarship finner dere her: www.akerscholarship.no

Public PhD defence – Silje Michelsen Solberg

Silje Michelsen Solberg will defend her PhD thesis on Thursday 20th June 2019

Trial lecture: Friday 27th September 2019 at 10.30.
Topic: Psoriasis and comorbidity, what is the connection?”
Place: Auditorium 1, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91

Public defense: Friday 27th September 2019 at 12.30.
Title of dissertation: «Systemic inflammation in psoriasis: Circulating immune cells and cytokines»
Place:  Auditorium 1, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91

1st opponent: Professor Charlotta Enerbäck, Linköpings universitet, Sverige
2nd opponent: Professor Lone Skov, Københavns universitet, Danmark
3rd member of the comittee: ProfessorEinar Klæboe Kristoffersen, Universitetet i Bergen

The defense will be led by professor Tor Hervig.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 3 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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