Daily Archives: Friday June 7th, 2024

Dear everyone!

Thank you very much to all who contributed to the successful completion of OSKE12 yesterday, and to those who will participate next week for OSKE6! I can only encourage more people to contribute, as it will reduce the workload for everyone.

I was also very pleased to hear that half of the applications to DRIV – Center for Women’s Health Research, submitted last week, came from K2, a total of 14 applications! Now the evaluation is underway, and we will find out in August who will proceed to step 2. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that some from K2 will make it through.

But this is a good starting point to continue with proposal writing and submit to NFR – FRIPRO. Marit Bakke provided information this week that:

  1. FRIPRO will distribute 900 million NOK this year.
  2. So far, a total of only 100 applications have been received from all fields in Norway.
  3. Applications submitted by mid-August will be considered for this year’s round.

This means that there are better chances than ever to succeed in FRIPRO this year. And now we also have a deadline: mid-August. Remember to register your application in our portal for externally funded projects (Skjemaker for applications, K2), so one of the economists can assist you with the budget and help us turn around the deficit K2 has accumulated.

Have a great weekend

Nordic Conference on Future Health

The Nordic biobank and research communities join forces -to explore the future of biobanking and precision health.

This special stakeholder gathering is hosted by Biobank Norway and encompasses two parallel conferences—the 3rd Nordic Society of Human Genetics and Precision Medicine and the 2nd Nordic Biobank Conference—as well as joint plenary sessions for topics of interest to both communities.


Where: Trondheim

When: 10 –12 September, 2024

Early bird registration end on June 10th

Submission deadline for poster abstracts: June 21s

60 new research networks announced

We are pleased to announce the approval of 60 new COST Actions by our Committee of Senior Officials (CSO). These new research networks cover topics as varied as the impact of climate change on mental health, digital technologies to improve civic engagement, optimising insect nutrition, augmented reality in forestry, and alternative approaches to automated cancer detection.

Read an article on the COST website about the new networks: 60 new COST Actions approved – COST

Every participating country have the right to nominate up to two members of the Management Committee (MC) of each network. The COST National Coordinator (CNC) is responsible for the nominations.

In Norway the procedure is that those who wish to participate in the MC of a COST network must send CNC Trude Dypvik (COST-CNC@forskningsradet.no) a short application and a CV. 20th. June is the deadline for the first applications