Daily Archives: Friday February 26th, 2021

This weeks edithorial

Dear everyone!

Now it has been one year since Covid-19 came to Norway. We have been through several lockdowns that have had a major effect on the research, teaching and not least the entire operation of K2. We have gotten used to talking to a screen and using the kitchen table as a desk. But all of this has not stopped our PhD fellows from finishing their projects. We have had a total of 42 disputations in 2020! I congratulate all the PhD candidates (and the supervisors) who have managed to finalize their thesis despite difficult conditions. The day was probably not quite as one had imagined without the opponents present and with only a few people physically gathered, and some may have had extra technical challenges, but all in all it has gone very well. The fact that trial lectures and disputations are conducted as zoom webinar actually allows more people to follow along online. There is a lot of exciting research going on! Check https://www.uib.no/nye-doktorgrader

In that context, I would also like to say a big thank you to all of you who have been custos! For 2021, we expect similar numbers (between 35 and 40 disputations), and I hope that all our professors and associate professors are willing to take on the role of custos.

Have a good winter holiday!

OSKE juni 2021

Nå har arbeidet med OSKE i juni startet. I juni trenger vi hjelp fra administrative ansatte både til OSKE i MED12 9. juni og OSKE i MED6 16. juni. I MED6 er det et større antall studenter som skal ha eksamen enn i MED12, så her er det behov for flere ansatte. I påmeldingsskjemaet velger du hvilken eksamen og hvilke dager du kan delta. Vi ønsker at de som er på sløyfer kan være med å rigge (og rydde) den sløyfen de skal være på.

Påmeldingsskjema: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=9904453

Vi ønsker å få på plass sløyfene i god tid før OSKE, og det er derfor ønskelig med tilbakemelding seinest 22. mars 2021.


Ta kontakt med

Lise S. Amble for OSKE i MED6 og/eller Dina-Kristin Midtflø for OSKE i MED12

Ps. Har dere fått med dere denne: https://www.uib.no/med/142448/160-medisinstudenter-gikk-opp-til-praktisk-eksamen 🙂


Lise og Dina