Daily Archives: Friday June 19th, 2020


As of this writing, the university has just reopened after it was closed in emergency on March 12. Welcome back, but remember to keep your distance and practice the rules of infection carefully. The covid-19 disease is under control in Norway, but it can flare up again, and we do not want a new shutdown. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all your constructive efforts during the shutdown. It had major consequences for our everyday activities, especially when it comes to experimental research and teaching. Thanks for the positive attitude and constructive measures. We have also learned a lot, and digital meetings will probably be frequently used in the future.

We have recently submitted a budget proposal for 2021. This year too, we suggest an ambitious budget that takes into account the challenges we see in the coming year in terms of education, research, innovation and dissemination. The economy group are thanked for their solid work on the budget.

We just had a kick-off meeting for the new UGLEs in connection with a new teaching structure at K2. I perceived the new UGLEs as interested and engaged with many relevant questions and comments. I think this will be great. Thanks to everyone for a constructive process.

After an unusually cold spring, we have finally got to taste the heat. We are now preparing for the summer holidays. Spring has for most people been a busy time with applications, OSKE and all the endings at the end of the semester. Hence, it will be good to have a few weeks off to do completely different things. It is important to charge the batteries so that we can start the autumn with new energy and work desire. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their great efforts this semester. Have a great summer vacation!

Norwegian: Pedagogisk kompetanseheving – høst 2020

Vi forbereder nå høstsemesteret, og Enhet for læring har et variert tilbud for våre ansatte som ønsker å lære mer om undervisning, veiledning og pedagogikk.

Kurset PHDPED – Introduction to teaching and learning in Higher Education Health Sciences for Phd and Post doctors (5 ects)


Seminarrekken Pedagogisk Påfyll vil i høst ha fokus på digital undervisning og vil være i et digitalt format:  

  • 23/9 TBL goes digital v/Olav Tenstad
  • 14/10 Downsize and digitalize your lecture
  • 11/11 Flipp your classroom – kombinasjoner av synkron og asynkron undervisning
  • 9/12 Læringsstier i MittUiB v/Harald Wiker

Alle dager fra kl. 15-16. Mer info og påmelding via nettsiden: https://www.uib.no/med/enhetforlæring/136678/pedagogisk-påfyll-høsten-2020

Workshop i pedagogiske mapper (Zoom): 6/8 (kl. 09:15-12:00)

Det vil settes opp flere workshops ila høsten. Følg med på våre nettsider https://www.uib.no/med/enhetforlæring

Som del av vår satsing på ansatte i bistilling har vi tre nye kurstilbud denne høsten, alle tellende som del av utdanningsfaglig kompetanse:

  1. Journal Club – medisinsk og helsefaglig pedagogisk forskning Oppstart 18/9 (kl. 12-15)
  2. Praksisveiledning: 31/8 (kl. 09:15-16:00) + 21/9 (kl. 09:15-12:30)
  3. Kurs i formidling og presentasjonsteknikk: 20/10 (kl. 09:15-16:00)

Mer info her: https://www.uib.no/med/enhetforlæring/135895/aktiviteter-ved-enhet-læring-høsten-2020

Course: “Entrepreneurship in healthcare”

The School of Health Innovation has now opened Course 2: “Entrepreneurship in healthcare” that will be arranged this autumn – Application deadline 1st July.

The course is designed for medical, healthcare and life science researchers such as PhDs and postdocs/researchers. In this course the attendees will get experience from Scandinavia´s most advanced support system for healthcare entrepreneurs, combining academic learning, practical cases from healthcare companies, 1-1 mentorship with the aim of further developing a research idea into commercialization, and how to develop a new service for patients in a clinical setting.

The overall aim of this course is that the researcher or clinician will learn from experienced life science entrepreneurs or business development executives, how to develop a research idea into business and to develop a business plan (BI – Norwegian Business School).

Do you know any PhD or a postdoc/researcher that would like to attend, please encourage this person to apply for admission. 


There is no course fee.

Norwegian: Status som merittert underviser – utlysning 2020

Som et ledd i arbeidet for studiekvalitet har fakultetsstyret opprettet en meritteringsordning for fremragende undervisere ved Det medisinske fakultet.

Fakultetet inviterer med dette sine undervisere til å søke om å bli tildelt merittert undervisningsstatus. Merittert status tildeles vitenskapelig ansatte som har vist betydningsfull innsats for å sikre utdanningskvalitet i bred forstand.

Søknadsfrist er 1. september 2020.

For mer informasjon om meritteringsordningen og søknadskravene se: Utlysning meritteringsordning 2020 og Krav til søknad om status som merittert underviser

This week`s employee – Anette Susanne Bøe Wolff

What do I work with?
My education is molecular biology, and I completed my PhD degree in 2005. After that, I have had many different roles and projects in research group G1 (Endocrine Medicine). I like it best “in the lab” but, unfortunately, I do not have so much time anymore for that. I still try to do lab tasks myself, especially when introducing and optimizing new methods, and I try to perform some lab task each week. I spend most of my time to supervise master’s, PhD students, and postdocs, and to coordinate and discuss upcoming and ongoing projects and results with my internal colleagues and external partners. Of course, applications, articles, reports, etc. must also be written. A lot of time is spent on zoom meetings, both inside and outside corona time.
My research “in a large perspective” focuses on finding causal mechanisms for endocrine autoimmunity, and to translate this knowledge to improved therapy for patients with these diseases. In more detail, I lead two projects. The aim of the first project is to identify monogenic autoimmune diseases by genome sequencing of families with accumulation of endocrine autoimmunity, and the aims of the second is to “single cell” analyse regulatory T cells in patients with autoimmune diseases to investigate how we can use such cells as targets or tools for therapy. In both projects, collaboration between different professions is required; physicians to recruit patients, molecular biologists to perform laboratory experiments, and bioinformatics and geneticists to help get results out of the “big data” research. After that, collaboration with the biologists again is required to get “meaning out of the results”. These are demanding, but exciting, processes! I learn new things every day!
Techniques we carry out in our lab are standard molecular biology and immunology such as cell culture, PCR, real-time PCR, ELISA, various other immunoassays etc. We collaborate with the core facilities at UiB for flow cytometry, Cytof and RNA sequencing, and with external partners for e.g. genome sequencing and genome wide association (GWAS) experiments.

Why do I like working at K2?
I often think that I am super-lucky who get to work with something that is exciting, and that challenges me every day. K2 is an institution that, both physically and professionally, is close to Haukeland University Hospital. Genes and the immune system have fascinated me since I “knew that they existed”, and being allowed to dig into this because we are so closely linked to the medical department, and that we have access to methodology that are needed, is very awarding. We have many different competences in the research group, and collaboration internally is important both socially and professionally. The doctors in the group often work clinically at the same time. This means that we can find new problems and hypotheses together with them, which we can try to solve in the laboratory, and the path is then short to turn to the patients again with new knowledge. From bed-to bench-and back again. The fact that we have a registry and biobank, that we can utilize as material for research, is a fantastic resource.
K2 and the lab block have very nice laboratory facilities, and the way is short to my internal partners in other research groups (special medical genetics) and the core facilities. The core facilities are truly something we should strive for so that we avoid researchers sitting in each corner with his/her private/own machine and who spend time learning the same advanced techniques.
Working at K2 also gives me the opportunity to supervise students at various levels, something I like very well. It challenges me, and makes me find things I do not know, that I have to learn. That leads to personal and scientific development.
So that is why I like to work here!

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 6 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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