Daily Archives: Friday March 2nd, 2018


The winter holiday is soon behind us and Spring is approaching with more daylight and brighter times. As mentioned earlier, times are also brighter for the budget K2 has scheduled for 2018. K2 thanks for many good suggestions for using the so-called Xtrafunds. The Faculty has decided the following guidelines for the use of these:

1) 10 mNOK for equipment for purchase in 2018
These will be distributed among the Departments by size of the annuity funds, which for K2’s part is 24%. The institutes must provide a 25% deduction. This means that K2 will make 3.0 mNOK available.

As previously mentioned, it is a prerequisite that the funds can be used in 2018. They cannot be used for salary or self-financing of externally funded projects.

2) 8 mNOK to Faculty measures
These funds will be used for various measures, such as the animal department and the caretaker housing for the students.

3) 45 mNOK set aside in the long-term budget 2019-22
Here are funds for larger equipment where the tender rules apply. A priority list will be made based on input from the Departments. Furthermore, funds are used for various projects, such as externally funded projects, where the university has to match the funds.

K2 will contact the research group leaders for the completion of the purchase of equipment for research or teaching that K2’s management group has prioritized. Prioritized equipment that can be bought and paid in 2018 will be charged the 3.0 mNOK that we will make available. Equipment that cannot be purchased budget year 2018 will be placed on the Faculty’s list of larger equipment for the long-term budget 2019-2022.

Research group leaders have a deadline to report exact price of the equipment and plan for the procurement process. Deadline for this feedback is 1 May. Final deadline for documented opportunity for procurement 2018 is set for 1 October.


Students’ Health and Well-Being Survey | SHoT2018

To all teachers at UiB,

The Students’ Health and Well-Being Survey (Studentenes helse- trivselsundersøkelse, SHoT) examines the student’s health and well-being during the course of the study every four years. Here, the students are encouraged to answer honestly about eight different topics related to student life. Some of the questions are about mental and physical health. The survey was sent to the students via email 6 February and is open until 20 March.

Results from the previous SHoT survey in 2014 found that one in five students struggled with severe mental symptoms, and that one in six students was lonely. This contributed to increased focus on mental health. After that, several psychologists have been recruited, and health care has been strengthened.

SHoT2018 can be the world’s largest survey on this subject, but it depends on a high response rate. The target is 69 percent of 160,000 students. Here, all lecturers have a responsibility towards their students. A high level of participation will provide even better follow-up of the students.

We therefore encourage you to spend some time at the beginning of the lectures to tell about the survey and the importance of it.

At the meeting of the Education Committee on Wednesday 21 January, a short version of SHoT2018 was presented. And more information is available on the Sammen Bergen website.

Best regards,
Britt-Karin Muri
Assistant HR Director
HR department
University of Bergen

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium | 8 March

Dear all,

PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, medical research students, and other researchers and staff are all invited to the next CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium 8 March.

For your interest, this forum is an excellent opportunity to enjoy networking with fellow PhD students, postdocs and other colleagues at our research community. This time, the inspirational lecture will be presented by CCBO PI Professor Anne Christine Johannessen. She is the former Vice-Rector for International Affairs at our university (2013–2017), and we look forward to hearing about her experiences from local and global academic life. In addition, other topics at this symposium includes molecular function of N-terminal acetylation, how to establish an ex-vivo facility, fat-distribution in endometrial cancer, and recent advances in targeting tyrosine kinase receptors in cancer. Hope to see you all there!

Please register your attendance and lunch preferences here within 6 March at the latest. The symposium, including lunch, is free of charge. You can also find all information here, including scientific program.

We welcome you all!

On behalf of the CCBIO Research School and the organizers Erling Høivik and Liv Cecilie V. Thomsen,

With kind regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
University of Bergen

International Conference on Education in Bergen | 24-27 October

One of the largest international conferences on teaching and learning in higher education comes to Bergen 24 to 27 October 2018.

This is the annual conference of “The International Society for Scholarship in Teaching and Learning” (ISSOTL), and it collects approximately 500 teachers and researchers from around the world. “Scholarship in Teaching and Learning” is about having a scientific approach to ‘what works’ in teaching and learning, and the theme of this year’s conference is “Toward a learning culture”. It is thus the collegial and cultural aspects of learning and education that will be in the center. This is something that will interest many at UiB and in Norway just now, in the era of Kvalitetsmeldingen.

Here are great opportunities for UiB employees to participate, be inspired, share experiences, meet other teachers or researchers, and promote all the wonderful stuff we do in Bergen to the world. You can contribute with a presentation or poster, and participate in the panel and workshop, or just be a participant. Deadline for submitting abstracts is 1 April.

Read about Call for proposals here.

And more information about ISSOTL18 is available here.

Good news: UiB and some of the faculties are helping with the conference fee. Information on how to apply will be given later. And it will be student grants.

Best regards,
Vigdis Vandvik
Center leader at bioCEED (Centre of Excellence in Biology Education)
BIO – Department of Biology
University of Bergen

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 24 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

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