Application process spring 2018

A new year and an earlier deadline from Research Council of Norway (RCN) means it is time to plan the application process for spring. We will continue the K2 tradition with submission of application sketches and a joint meeting for applicants to the programs BEDREHELSE, BEHANDLING, HELSEVEL and FRIMEDBIO. Thursday 15 February is the proposed deadline for the sketch and we have reserved Wednesday 7 March at 13-16 (seminar room 7th floor) for the meeting. The intention with this meeting is to present the sketch and receive constructive feedback from experienced colleagues which is useful for the preparation of the final proposal. You can send your sketch to

Last years’ results from RCN showed the importance of applying in the program that fits the research project. I therefore want to draw your attention to a seminar in Bergen on 7 February where representatives from RCN will present the programs BEHANDLING, BEDREHELSE, HELSEVEL og HORIZON 2020 (Program). They will present what is expected from the various programs, so I encourage you to attend if you have the possibility to do so.

Other relevant deadlines during the coming months are GLOBVAC, Novo Nordisk, Kreftforeningen og Extrastiftelsen, to name a few. I also want to remind you about BFS Starting Grant, a program aiming to recruit and develop excellent research leaders at UiB, where the deadline to send a sketch and CV is 12 February, as presented in the newsletter last week. Research advisors also want to join the digitalization processes taking place at UiB. Relevant research deadlines will therefore be published on this page, while announcements relevant for education can be found here. If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement please let me know.

Tuesday this week RCN visited Bergen to talk about possibilities for the public sector in research. There will be an increased emphasis on this subject, so if you have any contacts in the municipality I want to remind you about “Offentlig ph.d.”. The municipality and RCN fund the candidate 50-50 while we are a partner representing the educational institution. More information will be made available during March and the deadline will most likely be beginning of April.

Finally, I would like to advertise a bit for myself. I would be happy to assist you in one or all of the areas represented below. I am at your assistance until deadline 25 April at 13, but it is best to give us more time. This I will leave up to you as to what fits best.


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