CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium

June 6th, 2024 

(Møterom, HBE, Glasblokkene, Blokk 8, U1etg, U364, Auditorium)– register( or

We are happy to welcome you all to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, June 6th, 2024. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists. We anticipate lively and interesting discussion as always. It is a pleasure to present Geir Olav Løken, Administrative Leader of CCBIO, as the keynote speaker. He will use his decades long experience in mediating between researchers and the administration to elaborate on how to best interact with “the other side” and point out pitfalls and coping strategies. Anna Gorbunova, a new post doc in Carina Strell’s group will present the prognostic impact of mitochondrial proteins in lung cancer. You will also learn more about how to target homology repair deficiency in breast cancer, tissue engineering of bone marrow and precision medicine in children’s cancer. Please register within June 3rd at 11.00.


09.00-09.15: Introduction

09.15-10.00: “Navigating the system” Keynote lecture by Geir Olav Løken

10.00-10.20: Coffee break

10.20-10.45: “Prognostic signature based on mitochondria quality control proteins for the prediction of lung adenocarcinoma patients survival” by Anna Gorbunova

10.45-11.10: “Targeting Homology Repair Deficiency in Breast Cancer” by Synnøve Yndestad

11.10-12:00 Lunch (free of charge, register within June 3rd at 11.00)

12:00-12:25: “Casting vs 3D-Bioprinting of Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications” by Masoumeh Jahani Kadousaraei

12:25-12:50: “Precision medicine in children’s cancers” by Constance de Montlaur

12:50-13:00: Concluding remarks

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