Daglige arkiver: 14. februar 2024

Nordic Centre in Fudan University: Funding for academic events at the Nordic Centre

We would like to remind everyone that the spring 2024 deadline for applications for funding for academic events is on March 20th. 

Organizers of academic events can apply for funding of any amount between 2,000 and 7,000 euros.

Priority will be given to applications that include the participation of at least two Nordic member universities, preferably from different Nordic countries, and one or more Chinese partners. Events where Fudan University or Chinese affiliates are among the Chinese partners will be prioritized; however, other Chinese universities are warmly welcome to be involved as partners.

Furthermore, priority will be given to applications that relate to one or several of the prioritized thematic areas for Sino-Nordic collaboration at the Nordic Centre.

We especially encourage activities that can serve as a networking platform for early career researchers and can facilitate new connections between Nordic and Chinese scholars, that have the potential to result in joint applications for larger external grants, and are open for participation/contributions from all the Nordic Centre member institutions.

More information, including the application form and handbook on academic events at the NC, can be found on this page.

The application form should be filled in English and sent by email latest on March 20th to:funding@nordiccentre.net



Zoom webinar

23 April 2024 13:00–15:30 CET

This info day is targeted to prospective participants in the new COST actions that will be launched in May/June, as well as future applicants for the COST Open Call with deadline on 23 October 2024. The event is open to all researchers and innovators at any career stage and from any field of research, especially young researchers. The aim is to inform the research community in the Nordic countries on how to participate in the starting COST Actions or submit a COST Action proposal, the role and impact of the COST programme, and the benefits of the COST offer.

Registration by 22 Aprilhttps://eu.invajo.com/l/G5ei8pH1nb

The meeting link will be sent to registered participants about one week before the event.



Les videre

Novo Nordisk Innovator Grants

The purpose of the Pioneer Innovator Grant Sustainability & Health is to accelerate the commercialisation of research findings and the development of novel technologies within sustainability or health.

Both areas of the Pioneer Innovator Grants seek to support novel academic science-based discoveries with commercial potential. The grant aims to stimulate the evaluation of ideas and to support experiments and activities leading to proof-of-concept or beyond.

Amount Up to DKK 1 million per grant.
Location Nordic region
Call closes 13 March



The purpose of the Distinguished Innovator Grant Sustainability & Health is to accelerate commercialization of research findings and development of novel technologies within sustainability or health.

Both areas of the Distinguished Innovator Grant are aimed for senior faculty members or researchers with a proven track record within innovation, i.e., previous experience of academic innovation projects and experience with establishing patents and spinouts from the academia.

Amount Up to DKK 6 million per grant.
Location Nordic region
Call closes 13 March


Påminnelse: Felleslunsj for vitenskapelige ansatte

Bli kjent med kollegaene dine! Fakultetsledelsen inviterer alle vitenskapelige ansatte, fra PhD-kandidater til professorer, til felles lunsj onsdag 28 .02, kl. 11:30 i EITRI. Hensikten er rett og slett å møtes på tvers av fagmiljøer og institutter slik at vi blir bedre kjent med hverandre. Enkel lunsj serveres. Påmelding er ikke nødvendig

I vår vil det bli arrangert felleslunsjer 03.04, 08.05, 12.06, kl. 11:30 i EITRI.


Hilsen dekanatet