The Faculty of Medicine is introducing from 01.01.24 a scheme that facilitates researchers who are awarded an ERC project to be permanently employed after the end of the project period at the institute where the research activity naturally belongs. The faculty will cover the salary cost at the institute. With this arrangement, we aim to stimulate increased application activity towards ERC, strengthen future medical research in Bergen, and make the faculty more attractive, especially for researchers early in their career.
The following criteria apply:
- The arrangement applies to individuals who are employed in postdoc or researcher positions, or in temporary positions as associate professors or professors at MED at the time of the ERC project award.
- The arrangement applies to individuals who move to MED with their ERC project from the start of the project period and who have their research activity at MED during the project period.
- The arrangement does not apply to individuals who are permanently employed as scientific staff at MED as associate professors or professors prior to the ERC award.
- Salary funds from the faculty will normally be provided after the completion of the ERC project. This means that candidates must secure their own salary from the ERC project or other sources during the project period.
- The position (associate professor or professor) will be advertised using the usual procedure as the project period nears its end, but the advertisement text will be tailored to the candidates’ scientific and methodological profile.
Read more about ERC