Disputas uke 10

Carla FernandesCarla Patrica Duarte Fernandes disputerer for Ph.d. graden torsdag 5. mars 2015
Prøveforelesning: Torsdag 5. mars 2015, kl.09.15
Oppgitt emne: “Genomics neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatry – what studies of cognition can tell us about psychosis risk”
 Sted: Auditoriet, Barneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 65
Disputas: Torsdag 5. mars 2015, kl.11.15
Sted: Auditoriet, Barneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 65
Avhandlingstittel: “A Genetic  study of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.  A cognitive endophenotype approach”
1. Opponent: Professor Gary Donohoe, National  University of Ireland
2. Opponent : Ph.d. Robert Lyle, Universitetet i Oslo




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