Stikkordarkiv: 10/2015

Disputas uke 11

Lisa Drange HoleLisa Drange Hole disputerer for Ph.d. graden fredag 13. mars 2015
Prøveforelesning: Fredag 13. mars 2015, kl.09.15
Oppgitt emne: “Terapeutiske muligheter for å redusere toksiske effekter av medikamenter på hjertet”
 Sted: Auditorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies Vei 91
Disputas: Fredag 13. mars 2015, kl.11.15
Sted: Auditorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies Vei 91
Avhandlingstittel: “Cardiotoxicity of Doxorubicin. A study of Methods and protective interventions in Rat Models”
1. Opponent: Professor Odd Brsrs, Universitetet i Oslo
2. Opponent : Professor Ellen Aasum, Universitetet i Tromsø


Disputas uke 11

Liv Cecilie Vestrheim ThomsenLiv Cecilie Vestrheim Thomsen disputerer for Ph.d. graden Fredag 13. mars 2015
Prøveforelesning: Ferdag 13. mars 2015, kl.09.15
Oppgitt emne: “The immune system’s response; a common denominator in preecampsia and cardiovascular disease”
 Sted: Kvinneklinikken auditorium, Jonas Lies Vei 72
Disputas: Fredag 13. mars 2015, kl.11.15
Sted: Kvinneklinikken auditorium Jonas Lies Vei 72
Avhandlingstittel: ” Preeclampsia: Specific genetic risk factors and shared predisition with cardiovascular disease”
1. Opponent: Professor Stefan Hansson, Lunds Universitet, Sverige
2. Opponent : Professor Kristian Hveem, NTNU, Trondheim



  1. 1. European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing, Brussels 9-10 March 2015
  2. Nye metoder for prediksjon av negative helseeffekter som følge av miljøgifter. Litteraturhuset i Oslo, i regi av programmet Miljøpåvirkning og helse. 17 March 2015
  3. The 9th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research. How can research inform the post-2015 agenda for women’s and children’s health and rights? 17-18 March 2015, Oslo.
  4. DIA 27th Annual Euro MeetingDevelopment, Innovation, Access and Patient Safety. Issues across the entire drug development value chain. 13-15 April 2015, Paris, France.

NY! 5. Driving forces behind research and innovation. The Focus on Business Seminar 2015: From curiosity to success. Oslo, 21 April

NY! Lenke 6. BIO-NANO match-making seminar for new joint Call on industry-relevant research in autumn 2015 (NANO2021 and BIONÆR). Oslo, 21 April

NY! 7. Hvordan bli professor i Norge? Information and discussion about the path to professorship. Oslo, 27 April

  1. 2nd EATRIS conference: Building Bridges in Translational Medicine. Amsterdam 27-28 May 2015