Daglige arkiver: 25. november 2022

Webinar om MSCA Staff Exchanges

Forskere trenger å møtes fysisk noen ganger for å kunne utveksle idéer og kunnskap, ikke bare utveksle eposter og glo på hverandre i en liten Teams- eller Zoom-rute. MSCA Staff Exchanges (SE) gir mulighet for å realisere slike møter gjennom å finansiere reise og opphold for ansatte i forsknings- og innovasjonsorganisasjoner. Det er selvfølgelig lagt rammer for mobiliteten, og prosjektene finansierer mobiliteten innen rammen av konsortier. Dette og mere til vil en representant fra Research Executive Agency (REA), Aleksandra Scoetz-Sobczak, informere om i webinar i forbindelse med utlysningen for 2022 (som har søknadsfrist 8. mars 2023).

Webinaret finner sted 14. desember 09:30 – 11:00, og det blir muligheter for å stille spørsmål til foredragsholderne. Hvert tredje innsendte prosjektforslag til 2021-fristen ble innvilget. Her er mulighetene store for å få til et prosjekt som fokuserer på kunnskapsutveksling og samarbeid over landegrenser globalt, og mellom institusjoner i alle sektorer.

Påmelding: https://www.forskningsradet.no/en/events/2022/msca-staff-exchanges-se–webinar-on-the-call-for-2022/

Midlertidig endring av bibliotekets åpningstider i forbindelse med OSKE-eksamen

Bibliotek for medisin

I forbindelse med rigging og gjennomføring av OSKE-eksamen blir det midlertidig endring av bibliotekets åpningstider på følgende datoer:

Tirsdag 06.12.22: Stengt fra kl. 15.00: Rigging til OSKE-eksamen
Onsdag 07.12.22: Stengt hele dagen: OSKE-eksamen
Torsdag 08.12.22: Tilgang kun med kort. Ingen betjening grunnet internt arrangement

Meltzerpriser – søknadsfrist 15. desember

Meltzerfondet vil den 8. mars 2023 dele ut to priser:

  • Meltzerprisen for fremragende forskningsformidling.
  • Meltzerprisen for fremragende arbeid utført av yngre forskere

Alle universitetets professor og instituttledere har forslagsrett. Forslagsstiller kan sende signert skriftlig nominasjon som PDF-vedlegg på e-post til Kristin Hansen ved Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdeling (FIA) innen 15. desember 2022.

Les videre

Call for proposals: Innovation potential on Nordic patient records

Call for proposals Instrument Deadline 31.01.2023

Nordic Innovation will fund a project with the aim to demonstrate a concrete solution utilizing the context-rich information provided in patient journals records across Nordic countries in solving healthcare challenges.

D-line 31 January 2023 at 12.00 CET


Call for proposals: Applied Ethical AI on Nordic Patient Records

Call for proposals Instrument Deadline 31.01.2023

Nordic Innovation will fund the development and demonstration of an ethical AI-based solution, capable of reading patient records across the Nordic countries, Nordic languages and different medical health record systems.

D-line 31 January 2023 at 12.00 CET


Durham University – Addison Wheeler Fellowships

Durham University – Addison Wheeler Fellowships

I am delighted to announce the opening of the Addison Wheeler Fellowships. The Fellowship is designed to attract the best early career researchers in the UK, Europe and beyond and across the full spectrum of science, social science, arts and humanities, and to build international networks of scholars with a common passion for today’s most important research challenges. I should be most grateful if you could draw this exciting opportunity to the attention of your colleagues.

Three postdoctoral Fellowships are available commencing 01 October 2023.  These Fellowships have no residency restrictions.  The closing date for applications is midnight on 10 January 2023. The normal period of the Fellowship will be 3 years with starting salaries in the range £35,797 – £42,155 p.a.  Full details can be found at: www.durham.ac.uk/research/institutes-and-centres/advanced-study/fellowships-funding/addison-wheeler-fellowship/

I do hope you will encourage your colleagues to apply.

Yours sincerely
Professor Karen O’Brien
Vice-Chancellor and Warden
E-mail vice.chancellor@durham.ac.uk

All Fellowship enquires to: ias.manager@durham.ac.uk
Executive Officer Denise Baker
E-mail denise.baker@durham.ac.uk

Support for academic & non-profit ATMP developers

EMA Patrick Celis, the Lead Scientific Officer in EMA’s Advanced Therapies Office will give you an overview of all the support tools in place at the European Medicines Agency for medicine developers from the academic sector. He will also give some insights into the recently announced academic ATMP development support pilot.

The webinar will take place on 1 December 2022 at 12:00-13:00 CET via Zoom. We encourage participants to submit any questions in advance via the Zoom registration form. More information about the EMA Academic Pilot can be found here.


CCBIO junior symposium

We are happy to welcome you all to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, December 8th, 2022. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists. We anticipate that the discussions will be as lively and interesting as the October Symposium. We are very happy to announce that Professor Camilla Krakstad at CCBIO, will give a talk about her experiences with going abroad for research and give some early career advice. The program is varied and exiting spanning from treatment strategies for AML patients, phenotypic profiling of young women with breast cancer, immune and microenvironmental responses to cell death in glioblastoma and what emotional eating and changes in dietary patterns may do to the mind.

Please register within December 6th at 11.00.

Open consultation to support the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine

The open consultation to validate and receive input for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in support for the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed, is launched.

Purposes of the online consultation

  • Communication of the SRIA in general and the identified “Triplets of Action” in specific,
  • To obtain general input, especially related to the “Triplets of Action”,
  • Input regarding the urgency and timing of the “Triplets of Action”,
  • To obtain suggestions for additional “Triplets of Action”.

Please respond to the online consultation by 21 December:
