Invitation to symposium in human genomics (UiB)

The H.C. Jacobæus Symposium 2016 on Genomics of Diabetes
Venue: Bikuben Conference Center, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen
May 18: 14.00-16.30
May 19: 09.00-13.00

The symposium “Genomics of Diabetes – What´s Next?” is organized by KG Jebsen Center for Diabetes Research together with Novo Nordisk Foundation in memory of the Swedish professor H.C. Jacobæus.

The 2016 Jacobæus Prize will be awarded to prof. Mark McCarthy, University of Oxford, for his pioneering work on the genetics of diabetes. He will give the first lecture of the symposium. In addition to contributions from local researchers, the following distinguished scientists will deliver lectures:
Anna Gloyn, University of Oxford
Camilla Stoltenberg, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Matthias Blüher, University of Leipzig
Rachel Freathy, University of Exeter Medical School
Tiinamaja Tuomi, University of Helsinki
Torben Hansen, University of Copenhagen
Valeriya Lyssenko, Steno Diabetes Center, Copenhagen

Information about registration and detailed program will be circulated shortly.
In order to be on the mailing-list for information to the symposium – please send an e-mail to:
(Members of KGJ Diabetes are already on this list)

Kind regards
on behalf of KG Jebsen center for Diabetes Research
Elin Horntvedt
Project coordiantor

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