Category Archives: The HSE Corner


Faculty of Medicine’s  second common HSE-day is held digitally Wednesday 23rd of February at 12:00. Save the time! (the day was scheduled 3rd of November, but was moved to spring 2022)

Program for the day will come later.

Kindly regards,

Dekan Per Bakke, fakultetsdirektør Heidi A. Espedal, verneombud Lise Skålvik og HMS-koordinator Gjert Bakkevold, og fakultetets HMS-utvalg:

  • Emil Hausvik, HMS-koordinator ved Institutt for biomedisin
  • Siv Lise Bedringaas, HMS-koordinator ved Klinisk institutt 2
  • Kirsti Nordstrand, HMS-koordinator ved Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin
  • May Britt Kalvenes, HMS-koordinator ved Klinisk institutt 1
  • Signe Solberg, administrasjonssjef Institutt for klinisk odontologi
  • Mathias Ziegler, Instituttleder Institutt for biomedisin

HSE-round 2021 – a mapping of the physical working environment

This year’s HSM rounds are scheduled for November 16 and 17.

16.11 from 13.00: KK and Glass blocks
17.11 from12.00: Laboratory building

Please fill out the relevant form and have it ready, especially important if there is anything you would like to change.

Alternatively, the form can be submitted to

Hoping to see you.

Siv Lise

HSE info

This year’s applications for  HSE fundings have now been processed. K2 received grants for these measures:

  • Noise reduction measures by analytical instrument at Flow Core Facility
  • Point extraction with hood and flexible arm in the laboratory,  Glassblokkene
  • Large first aid / emergency bag with additional gels for burns. Will hang in the common area on the 8th floor, Laboratoriebygget

The next application will be sent out well in advance of the deadline.

Siv Lise, HSE Committee.