Obituary Michael Brauckhoff

BrauckhoffMichael Brauckhoff died suddenly on his way to work Wednesday morning, September 10 2014, at age 48. It was a very heavy and unexpected news to receive.

Michael Brauckhoff was appointed professor at the University of Bergen and chief physician at the Department of Surgery, Haukeland University Hospital, in 2008. His great dedication, skills and commitment made ​​him an outstanding clinician, researcher and teacher. He was both a genuine scientist and a skilled physician appreciated by patients. He was a highly respected surgeon with additional offices in the national and international endocrine surgical community.

The spouse and three children have suffered an irreplaceable loss. We have lost an exceptionally talented and beloved colleague.

Turid Aas and Jan Erik Varhaug
on behalf of the colleagues

5 thoughts on “Obituary Michael Brauckhoff

  1. Sebastian Mueller

    I am deeply shocked. I know Micha from the early times of my medical studies in Leipzig in the late 80ies. Back then, we had an intensive and wonderful time. He had recontacted me in the last years, visited me once in Heidelberg, and we had just a phone conversation some weeks ago where he had invited me to visit him in Bergen next Spring. I lose an inspiring friend with an intensive humor.
    Sebastian, Heidelberg

  2. Morten Thunestvedt

    Michael Brauckhof opererte meg for kreft i skjoldbruskkjertelen i 2008 og fulgte meg opp siden. Jeg opplevde ham som særdeles dyktig og omtenksom. Han gjorde meg trygg og jeg følte virkelig at han brydde seg om meg. Han ble en av mine ” helter” under mitt første ” alvorlige” møte med helsevesenet.
    Jeg minnes ham med takknemlighet og lyser fred over hans minne.
    Morten Thunestvedt
    5419 Fitjar

  3. Odd Konrad Dale

    Jeg ble i kveld så trist da jeg leste at den fantastiske legen som opererte meg for skjoldbruskkjertelkreft i 2010 er gått bort. 20. august 2014 hadde jeg senest dialog med ham om noen utfordringer. Jeg hadde fått lov å ta kontakt om det var noe som bekymret meg. Så hjelpsom og oppofrende, gav meg god veiledning og trygghet. Fred over hans minne, de beste tanker til hans familie.


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